Saturday, May 10, 2008 this thing on?

Alright we go...our first attempt at "the blog". C and I leave a week from today for Thailand. As most of you know, we are spending the first 5 nights on the beach in southern Thailand to rest and relax. 5 days and nights to renew the body and spirit and recouperate from crazy work schedules and full-time parenting. Then it is on to Bangkok...the real reason for our meet and eventually bring home, the newest member of our family, M! Everyone keeps asking me, "Are you ready?" and I have a hard time answering that question. Her room is only half painted, she still doesn't have a dresser, gifts still need to be bought for her social workers, and there is still so much to be done in order to leave our boys home with their grandparents for two long weeks. However, I am so very ready to finally meet her, bring her home to her brothers, and be her Mommy.




Robin and Kyle said...

Your blog looks great. We cannot wait to see your journey!

Heather said...

I can't believe that you are almost on your way. We are excited to visit here often and cannot wait to meet her.

L said...

So exciting! I can't believe how time is flying now after such a long wait...

Becca said...

Yeah!! We're so glad you started a blog, and look forward to following your journey to your daughter. It seems like so long ago that we were there! Thank you so much for allowing us to follow your trip!

Pucho V said...
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Pucho V said...

Very cool. I look forward to reading about your exciting trip!

Pucho V said...
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Nicole said...

Hi Amy,
you must be sooo excited for your trip to get your little one! We are thrilled for you and look forward to following your journey!

Nicole (adopting from China thru same homestudy agency as you)

Chris and Terri said...

So exciting! I cannot wait to read about your journey. Our blog is at if you'd like to see what we're up to.


Melissa Ens said...

I'm going to be following your story very eagerly!!! : ) So exciting! May God bless you with peace, patience and not too much jetlag!!!

Kath said...

Hi A and C!!

We're thinking of you, and wishing you a safe journey.

Have fun!!


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! I am so happy for you both!

- Liz 86A

Anonymous said...

So excited for you...can't wait to read on!!!


Anonymous said...


What is this? I see a pink outfit?!

Is pink the new blue?




Anonymous said...

Oh, BOY. Bon Voyage! Could not catch you today, but I'm sure you were crazed, so i didn't even want to bother you with a message. SAFE TRAVELS.....This blog is amazing. Who needs ELT....we'll just ask the Hollands to get us into the 21st Century and to THAILAND!!


Love, Caroline, Todd, Julia, Scott, and Emily.

I'll keep an eye on Sam in class. We'll do a Thailand accrostic poem.

Jenni said...

Thank you for taking us along on your special journey. We are all so excited for you. Can't wait to hear about Thailand. Give big hugs to M for us.

Jenni & Fritz

Anonymous said...


What's the time difference where you are, compared to ET?

And what do Thai people eat for breakfast?
